Laboratory of Medical physics

Project title: Biomarkers and decision support tools for personalized diagnostics and care

Principal Investigator(s) and affiliation(s), contact information

Harri Siitari, Ph.D, in molecular diagnostics
University of Turku
Laboratory of Medical physics
Biocity 5A, Tykistökatu 6, 20500 Turku

Phone (office): +358 2 3337063
E-mail: harri.siitari[at]

Members of the research group:

Mariangela Garofalo, Ph.D (Univ. of Helsinki)

Key collaborators:
Prof. Matti Poutanen et al. Antti Perheentupa et al.
Prof. Olli Tenovuo et al.

Description of the scientific aims

The goal of research is focused in finding more precise diagnostic methods for severe diseases having unmet diagnostic needs. The work is carried out with various research teams working on the diseases in focus. One specific goal in the projects carried out is to find best commercial options for the biomarkers and diagnostic tools developed.

One of the central studies is related to endometriosis with the goal to find and validate new biomarker combinations for the diagnostics and follow-up of the treatment. This is performed in collaboration with prof. Matti Poutanen, Inst of Biomedicine, University of Turku, and adj. prof. Antti Perheentupa, Univ. of Turku and Turku University Hospital.

Another long-term research collaboration focuses on new biomarkers and tools for the diagnosis of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). This is done in close collaboration with the neurological unit in TYKS with prof. Olli Tenovuo and his group.

In addition, as part of a Salwe program “Personalized diagnostics and care”, new diagnostic and prognostic biomarker candidates for IBD and Crohn’s disease are searched for.