The InFLAMES Flagship (Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System) is a joint effort of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University aiming at being an internationally recognized, top-level, immunological research and development cluster which will be globally attractive both for the researchers and business partners. In 2020, the InFLAMES initiative received €5.6M funding […]

Turku is one of Finland’s most important Life Science clusters with more than 100 life science companies and two universities focusing on health and biotechnology. In Turku there are over 1000 researchers in the universities and Turku University Hospital, and all are located at walking distance to each other. Also, this spring it has been […]

The ESFRI research infrastructure Euro-BioImaging (EuBI) is a pan-European infrastructure project for imaging technologies in biological and medical sciences with a mission to provide open user access to a complete range of state-of-the-art imaging technologies in biological, molecular, and medical imaging for life scientists across Europe. The EuBI infrastructure consists of a set of complementary, […]

Turku PET Centre produces an exceptionally wide range of radiopharmaceuticals on a worldwide scale. In a unique way, the centre can both examine individual patients’ diseases and advance medical research. The national Turku PET Centre is jointly run by the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi and the Hospital District of Southwest Finland and is situated […]

The University of Turku Doctor Honoris Causa Stefan W. Hell was one of the three recipients of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014. The Prize was awarded to Eric Betzig, William E. Moerner and Hell for groundbreaking work in developing high resolution microscopy. This work for Stefan Hell began in Turku. Stefan W. Hell […]

Global biotechnological company BIOCAD expands its operations to Finland. The company will establish a production line in Turku and begin collaboration with the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. The partner program covers collaboration in education, fundamental sciences and commercial manufacturing. Total investment over 7 years will exceed €25 million. BIOCAD is a global […]